Parental Involvement
At Lindale Muddy Boots we really value parental involvement. In order for your child to get the most from their time at preschool it really helps if we can work together. This can be done in a number of ways.
Talk to your child's key worker.
When your child starts preschool they will be allocated a key worker. This person has particular responsibilities for your child. They keep the learning journal on tapestry up to date, keep you informed on your child’s progress and arrange activities that they think your child will benefit from. They want to make your child’s experience at preschool as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. Nobody knows your child better than you do, so your input is invaluable. Let us know if there is an activity your child particularly enjoys, an event they have been to or a milestone they have reached outside of preschool. Once you have activated your tapestry account for your children you will be asked to complete the 'All About Me' section tapestry. Please follow the link below for advice on how to complete 'All about me'.
Participate in sessions.
We understand that not everyone can get ‘hands on’ in preschool, but if you do have some spare time then we really appreciate you contributing your time and talents.
We are always happy to have extra help at preschool. If you would like to help out then please see Claire, Lucy or Amy,
Come on special days out with us.
We arrange regular outings linked to topics we are working on. Parents are invited to join us, regardless of whether it is your child’s day to be in preschool. We find that these outings are as beneficial to parents as they are to the children. They give parents a chance to get to know each other and the other children. Recent visits have been to Greenlands Farm, Grange prom and Coniston Gondola.