Opening Hours & Fees
To enable a child to build secure attachments with their key worker, plus develop relationships with other children, we recommend a minimum of two nursery sessions a week.

Prices from April 2024
*2 yr olds 3+ yr olds
Breakfast Club 7.45am-8:45am £4.25 £4.25
Morning Session 8:45am-11:45am £18.00 £16.50
Lunch 11:45am-12:45pm £6.00 £5.50
Afternoon Session 12:45pm-3:15pm NA NA
Breakfast Club 7.45am-8:45am
(Available for children from 2-11 years old. Held in Lindale Muddy Boots).
Includes breakfast (toast, cereal & a drink).
Preschool children will continue through into the morning session.
Morning Session 8:45am-11:45am
(Available for children aged 2-4 years 11 months).
Please bring a water bottle for your child, and a healthy snack for morning break.
Lunch 11:45am-12:45pm
(Available for children aged 2-4 years 11 months).
Hot meals are available at a cost of £2.80 per day.+ You are welcome to bring a packed lunch if
you prefer.
Afternoon Session 12:45pm-3:15pm
(Available for children aged 3-4 years 11 months. Held in Lindale School).
Please bring a water bottle for your child, we will provide a healthy snack for afternoon break).
After School Session 3:15pm-5.30pm
(Available for children from 3-11 years old.Held in Lindale School).
If you want to book additional session(s) on top of your regular hours then this would need to be
agreed in advance with Claire.